Why do clients choose us?
We are the European leading medical centre in this field.
Transplanted hair looks completely natural and discreet and you can be satisfied with the result. Handling the transplanted hair is the same as you had handled your own hair. It can regularly be cut, dyed, and washed, just as you had used to do it before.
At the Medical Centre, we use the unique and most advanced hair transplant techniques, including the FUE and FUT methods, which are best suited for eliminating the appearance of baldness. On this website, we are instructing you in full about the hair transplant process, as in this way only, you will be in a position to adopt the best decision of your life, by ultimately eliminating stress due to excessive hair loss and baldness.
What is real hair like?
On a human body, 500,000 hair(s) on average grow in the entire lifespan, and thereof, from 75,000 to 100,000 on the skull. Hair consists of keratin, the same protein as contained in our nails and external skin layers. The visible part of the hair, protruding from the skin, is called the stem, whilst the root grows within the skin.
What is hair transplant?
Hair transplant is a process where hair is transferred from a healthy scalp area to a bald scalp area. The healthy scalp is called the donor area. In men, this is usually behind or at the sides of the head. Transplanted hair then grows on through a person’s life, as the hair roots transplanted into a bald area do not lose their ability to grow.
Domination of the donor scalp is the basis for a successful hair transplant.
Who are we?
Top-quality surgical team
As the same team of doctors and assistants provide for all hair transplants in our medical centres in Europe, our clients get high quality services and superior results, as shown in Photo Gallery and Video Gallery.
You can achieve this in a single visit to our medical centre
In our medical centres, clients get high quality counselling and personal attention in a single visit. We are flexible and adapt ourselves to any clients, who are most busy or living very far away from our medical centre, by arranging for the counselling via our innovative website, and by conducting the transplant procedure during the first visit to our medical centre.
Video Presentation
In this video, our known client presents the BESTMAX – FUE transplant method, whereby the best possible result was achieved.
Contact us
You have a question? You want to consult our medical staff. Fill in the contact form below.
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